At one time, REN managed a resource center that included more than 6,000 items---books, reprints, artifacts, images, and videos. The collection was donated to California State University Library in 2007. The following difficult-to-find-books were first scanned to pdf format and included here. (To locate the items at CSUS, enter the search term "Southeast Asia Community Resource" in the advanced search menu at the link above.) Some are available from used and rare book resellers or from other digital libraries.
Yiu-Mienh Zieqv Nzangc Sou(mien primer 2).pdf
Yiu-Mienh Zieqv Nzangc Sou(mien primer 3).pdf
Yiu-Mienh Zieqv Nzangc Sou(mien primer 4).pdf